We'll start a new routine and publish every month the list of the top 10 best-selling tracks of the previous 30 days.
We hope this will help you better understand the type of content which is performing on Jamendo Licensing.
Here is the first list (from 01/25/2020 to 02/25/2020):
#1 Business Corporate Background by DHDMUSIC (Link)
#2 Energetic Percussions by JOYSTOCK (Link)
#3 Inspiring Indie Corporate by ADDICT SOUND (Link)
#4 The Journey by TIMOFIY STARENKOV (Link)
#5 Right Direction - Motivational Corporate by JOQBOXMUSIC (Link)
#6 Funky Beach by JOYSTOCK (Link)
#7 Inspiring Corporate by JOYSTOCK (Link)
#8 Succesful Corporate by SOUNDGALLERY by DMITRIYTARAS (Link)
#9 Pool Party by THE ARTISANS BEATS (Link)
#10 Light Electronic Corporate by HEAVENLESS (Link)
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