Why should I add the lyrics to my track?
Do you know the lyrics to your favorite song? I know we do.
If a listener falls in love with your song, they will want to read your words and understand them, maybe even learn them by heart and then sing the song in their heads on their way to everywhere.
Sometimes, being able to read lyrics of a song makes you feel like you are not alone feeling what you feel, like someone out there is going through the same stuff as you.
Songwriting deserves recognition & your words are powerful.
Vocal information has even more benefits. On Jamendo, you can indicate whether your song is sung by a lady or by a gentleman. Clients who are looking to meet something very special will be glad to find music by such metadata. Plus, it gives us a chance to check any explicit lyrics and present them suitable to your listeners.
Some people are touched by your music and the instruments, some are touched by your lyrics and message! Don’t forget us lyric-lovers out here!
How do I add lyrics on Jamendo?
Enter the edit mode (pencil button next to your track) and choose the "Lyrics" tab.
This is pretty simple: tick Instrumental if the track has no vocals and... Vocal if the track has...vocals. Yay.
Lyrics text
Nothing complicated here: simply copy/paste your lyrics in this field.
Jamendo as a truly international audience so it's always a good idea to make sure to add them here. It'll allow users who do not know your language to translate them more easily. That's a great way to allow them to relate more to your world :-)
Simply select the language of your lyrics, if your track has lyrics.
Explicit lyrics
If your track has lyrics and if those lyrics are explicit, simply tick this box.
It's not necessarily easy to give a broad definition of what's considered as explicit, but the main important aspects are:
- the use of strong language (one word is enough to consider the whole song as explicit)
- the use of discriminatory language
- references to sexual and/or inappropriate behaviors
- references to content considered illegal in most countries (drugs)
- references to violence
- references to physical and/or mental abuses
If your track has vocals, simply specify if the vocals are sung by a female or a male singer. If the track features both female and male voices, simply pick up the most predominant type.
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