The right name for the right artist
What are the three most important things listeners are looking for in any music streaming page? How do they look for songs, how do they pick their favourite artists?
There are three things that come into play here:
The Artist name - The Track / Album name - The Artwork.
Many artists choose their own names. But if you want to choose an artist name, some thought should go into this. Now you've spent hours in front of the same sheet of paper trying to come up with the best name for your band? Stop worrying and start looking for inspiration.
Brainstorm ideas
Here are some ideas that will get you started. Of course, don't include all of them in your artist name. That would get messy.
- What do you associate with your music? Write down all of the names and adjectives that come to mind.
- Create a word game. Combine two words that are meaningful to your music. Play around with different combinations and see what sounds good.
- Use a word from a different language. Some languages have words with meanings that don't exist in English and can be a great inspiration.
- Use the name of a mystical figure, but change it slightly.
- Did your band have some funny experiences that keep you guys together? Let that influence your name.
Make a choice
Now you have many inspirations, but you still don't know which one to choose? Follow our tips
- Tip 1: write down all the ideas that come to mind. Even if they seem bad at the moment, they can inspire you later for a different name.
- Tip 2: tell your friends about your name ideas. What resonates with them? What do they associate with it?
- Tip 3: once you have narrowed down your ideas, search the internet for your name idea. Maybe another famous person already uses the same idea? Then select a different one. Is the name associated with some topic that you don't want to be related to? Choose a different one.
- Tip 4: Make sure your name is catchy and relevant. Is it easy to pronounce? Does it have a nice ring to it? Is it easy to remember?
These tips should give you plenty of inspiration. Remember that there is no correct and no wrong answer artist name. Most importantly: Be creative and have fun during the process!
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