This is a question that we often receive and so we've decided to add an article going into this rather interesting question. There are several things to remark or maybe misconceptions that need some light shed upon them.
- First of all, the downloads are not linked to the number of sales. The downloads form part of the Statistics of your profile on Jamendo Music. On Jamendo Music, your songs are available for free download under the Creative Commons licenses. The free download can be disabled. The number of sales only refer to the Catalog sales and are in no way related to the statistics on Jamendo Music. Your downloads do not refer to your sales!
- To sell licenses you need to apply your tracks first, under the menu Sign up for Jamendo Licensing. Here you need to accept the Distribution Agreement and apply all of your tracks for Licensing. If you are not sure if you have done this, this article will help you further.
- When you have applied your tracks for Licensing, they will be moderated. Our aim is to keep a high-quality service to our clients and we can not accept all tracks. Under the menu Sign up for Jamendo Licensing you can check the moderation status for every one of your songs. If you work with albums, click on the two triangles next to the album to open the detailed view.
But I am still not selling anything...
... and it is frustrating. Is my music bad? But why was it accepted during moderation?
The Jamendo Catalog has over 200,000 tracks and we receive over 100 new uploads per day. How will the customer choose between that many tracks?
- First, they will look at our selections and top-sellers. During moderation, tracks are not only accepted or refused, but they also receive a rating based on several criteria. The top-rated tracks appear first in the searches. If you want to improve your productions, we recommend you to listen to the selections and top results in the Catalog and study them. You can of course also do this on other platforms to get a broader knowledge of what customers buy most.
- Second, the selections and the refined search are based upon the most-used keywords by clients. Put some effort in tagging your music, so that it will appear with the right keywords. The name of your track can also play a role during the search process.
- Third, your music might simply fit a genre or mood that is not searched for very often. Experimental music is one of those genres that are not often used for videos. So it doesn't mean that you will not sell licenses, but the number of licenses is likely smaller.
- Fourth, keep writing and mixing new songs and upload them. The more good material you upload, the higher will be your chances to make it to the top-rated tracks. Customers who like your music style will start searching for more music by you. They can become recurring customers.
- Fifth, and last, do not hesitate at all to spread the word on your own.
We hope that this helps to get a better understanding of why some tracks sell better than others. The most important part to remember is: Continue to work on your art and you will get there!
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